The world is full of places to find dates… IF you know how to meet girls everywhere. Search. 01:00 - They just don't feel "in it" anymore. I have good style and I am not afraid to walk up to anyone. University is a black box for many men, and guys can struggle trying to figure out how to rise to the top of the social and sexual ranks. 01:15 - A LOT of guys are SO SALTY. Tuesday at 2:28 AM. Oana Petran. 04:00 - You can persist, if it's right to do so. #hector castillo#girls chase#girlschase#hector castillo girlschase#chase amante#shiit tests#disrespect from women#what is a shit test. Spyce D; Jul 12, 2023; Replies 4With This Revolutionary New Texting System, Women Feel Socially Obligated to Text You Back…. 20:30 - Small moments in conversation can give her an amazing experience. And get ready, because in little more than a week, I'll begin rolling out my exclusive GirlsChase. Search form. In his small town university, he went from World of Warcraft nerd to president of his fraternity in 4 years. com offers entertainment articles, products, and services for men on. Over and over and over again I get screenshots from guys who text like absolute idiots. Sort by. He made himself into the class clown. You’ll have 10 minutes to chat with him and are free to ask him whatever you’d like to ask. The Day Game Street Stop Blueprint. Author. show more show less . 120. Some of what Hector may cover in the 4-Call Sexual Direct Package (which constitutes a subset of the 12-Call Course) includes: 3 College Game Styles: BMOC, Slowburn, Wildcard. And on the way, he bedded close to 50 women. 02:00 - Paralysis by analysis. 01:15 - People pick up on your small body language expressions. . 03:00 - Even when they chase you. Blonde Space Monkey. Hector Castillo. SPECIFICITY. Subscribe 24. Learn to do the same in his book King of College. It only takes one date to get the girl you want. Avoid Mistakes that Cost Other Men Connections, Dates, and Lays. 03:45 - Asymmetric returns. Hector Castillo is the star of the Girls Chase YouTube channel, and the web’s top expert on getting laid in college. GODDAMNIT DAVID. Welcome to our first regular Date Coach Interview! I conducted this interview myself, with our very own Hector Castillo. Some. In his small town university, he went from World of Warcraft nerd to president of his. Make her feel special! 02:45 - Women don't work with save points! 04:50 - Change up your approach and your strategy on the second date 06:00 - BE MORE TOUCHY on the second date 07:00 - Change up your approach and your strategy on the second date 06:00 - BE MORE TOUCHY on the. 05:00 – You can understand why she responds in a certain way but understanding. 👉🏼 Book a consultation call to discuss one-on-one coaching with meEnough Excitement. space monkey. That's it. 09:30 - Sometimes you DO NEED TO REACT AND RESPOND TO HER TEASING. Hearing the "mindset" or "inner game. GirlsChase. They talk how Hector got his start, what it’s like teaching day game, how day game compares to other game, and more. show more show less . Hector Castillo is the star of the Girls Chase YouTube channel, and the web’s top expert on getting laid in college. Subscribe 24. Need Motivation to approach in Zurich. In middle school, he switched gears. #9. Hector Castillo. Cro-Magnon Man. But everyone calls me Papi. See how Hector approached, met, flirted with, connected with, and ended up together with an unfamiliar beauty encountered in broad daylight. Messages. 2 years ago. #hector castillo#girls chase#girlschase#hector castillo girlschase#chase amante#confidence hack#how to be more confident#how to get more confidence#the winner effect#how to get more testosterone. 02:45 – Ignore my arguments. 2 years ago. Other Categories. In my four-part relationship model, GISS, the first ‘S’ stands for ‘security. Y. . 02:45 - The two kinds of shit tests. com offers entertainment articles, products, and services for men on. 03:30 - If you're shy, overshoot your eye contact. 05:30 - Even if you are okay with the break. Author. 03:30 - The three aspects of hand gestures. Next week, we kick things up a notch with the release of a series of videos. Balls. 05:15 - Girls will paint a false picture of when they were "manipulated". And on the way, he bedded close to 50 women. show more show less . The. Related Articles/ Videos:Hector Castillo discusses social circle, reputation building, college life, how women choose who among their friends to hook up, and more. by Hector check_circle;Alongside Episode 17, we also have two (2) new Hector Castillo GirlsChase. 02:00 - You're WAY more ambitious than her03:45 - She is OVERLY jealous04:50 - She's too depressed06:50 - She's too needy08:30 - She doesn't 09:15 - ConstaOnce a week every week for 5 straight weeks, Hector will coach you to achieve incredible results with girls. 01:15 - Weak men will use niceness as a weapon. Get an hour of phone coaching with Hector Castillo, master of college game styles "Big Man on Campus" and "Slowburn. Raise your ratio and raise your number of bedmates. 01:15 - Being efficient gives you more time03:00 - The more girls you want, the more time you gotta put in04:30 - Follow these basic rules06:00 - Strategizing a211. Tricks and tips. Hector Castillo is the star of the Girls Chase YouTube channel, and the web’s top expert on getting laid in college. 03:30 - Women want to be submissive. Joined Oct 8, 2015 Messages 455 Location Beyond the Great Vast Forest. Andreea Marcu. Keep flying my man! Ambiance Cro-Magnon Man. 04:15 - Now, here's how you DON'T lead her on. You know dumb guys get laid. Strawman. . Varoon Rajah. It's here: The Girls Chase ultimate "meet her during the daytime" course with Hector Castillo. In his small town university, he went from World of Warcraft nerd to president of his fraternity in 4 years. Video Details: 00:45 - Think in terms of pluses (+) and minuses (-) 02:15 - How my reputation as a PUA affects my social circles 03:50 - Homewrecking really messes with social circles 09:30 - Do what you want at the end of the day (but try not to hurt people)Hector check_circle. 4 approaches a day challenge + Going solo from now. 02:00 - Texts are read in a 2-dimensional space . #hector castillo#girls chase#girlschase#hector castillo girlschase#chase amante#what to talk about with a girl#what to talk about on a date#topics to discuss on a date#what to talk about with her. 01:40 - Sometimes, your eye contact can be TOO powerful, so you need to learn how to tame it. 02:10 - Even advanced players have trouble with texting. 04:20 - Women are happy when they good dick. In the podcast below, you can hear about how Hector went from. 10:15 - An example of calling a girl out. Oana Petran. In the podcast below, you can hear about how Hector went from. Include this script into your page along with the iframe for a responsive media embedHector check_circle. Our host Varoon Raja interviews Girls Chase author Hector Castillo and picks his brain on how men can do just that, and many of the surprises to expect and pitfalls to avoid along the way. verified review. show more show less . In one way, you need to figure out her fantasy and then become that. Sort by. by. 8:30 - The text analysis begins. 0 Comments and 0 replies. Hector CASTILLO. TV homepage, and are fixing up the bugs we had with playlists. 01:15 - Eventually, any woman or man will fuck each other03:20 - If you're not attracted, you're higher value (and vice-versa)04:30 - Where this causes trouble0Welcome to our first regular Date Coach Interview! I conducted this interview myself, with our very own Hector Castillo. com and run the YouTube channel for the website. 01:50 - Texting is a one-dimensional medium and if you mess up, it'll happen quick. It’s hard to relate to someone who shows no vulnerabilities – because we all have them. Andreea Marcu. by Hector check_circle; 105 views; 2 years ago; 13:24 #1 Way to Attract More Women. 01:20 - How I "recorded" my experiences and learned from them in great detail. 06:00 - When guys say they want girls to chase them. TV exclusives – with a promise of more to come. Jun 19, 2023. Any dispute relating in any way to your visit to GirlsChase. 03:30 - It doesn't have to be perfect . Our host Varoon Raja interviews Girls Chase author Hector Castillo and picks his brain on how men can do just that, and many of the surprises to expect and pitfalls to avoid along the way. 00:25 - ''Natural'' means she FEELS it was natural. That’s the secret to getting a girl to kissing you first. My Courses; Sign In01:30 - Social proof = social influence = Social Clout . This is one of the BIGGEST weaknesses for most guys. 01:20 - My thesis is that women see reality PROBABLY more accurately . 06:50 - How to REVERSE the attack. B. . TV Video. 06:00 – You want to date women who are higher value than you (IN SOME WAYS), but with THIS ONE THING, you NEED TO BE HIGHER VALUE. Hector Castillo: Nationality: American: Language: English: Residence: United States: Style: BMOC / Slowburn: Age: 22: Bio: The author of the “Get Laid in College” series, Hector was president of his frat and slept with close to 50 girls in college alone. by Hector check_circle; 64 views; 2 years ago; 08:21. Hector Castillo is the star of the Girls Chase YouTube channel, and the web’s top expert on getting laid in college. In the podcast below, you can hear about how Hector went from. 00:25 - A little jealousy on her side is okay01:00 - Topics you should NOT argue about03:15 - Boundaries04:00 - Relationship security05:00 - Improve flaws throuOnce a week every other week for 8 weeks (so, 4 sessions across 8 weeks), Hector will coach you to achieve incredible results with girls. We've also got every Hector Castillo video there -- including a ton that left YouTube a while back as the censorship there tightened. Doors OPEN for the new course NOW. . LR You need a girlfriend + Do you have a condom? I am not here to cuddle and shit, If you wanted me to sit on your dick you could have just said so. Become smooth, cool, learn game, get cool clothes, a nice haircut, and get in shape. Related Articles/Videos :01:30 - Men usually love harder than women, unless the guy is a 10/10. Hector Castillo. B. 06:00 - Women will HONE IN ON YOUR WEAKNESSES. Hector Castillo is the star of the Girls Chase YouTube channel, and the web’s top expert on getting laid in college. Video Details: 00:18 - PAPI GNOME. A lot of guys out there are going to teach you gimmicks. 01:30 - Feminine/submissive =/= inferior. GODDAMNIT DAVID. 01:10 – The only thing that matters. . 05:00 – How confidence and not caring works. 22:50 - Study peoples' frames and you'll learn game. 2 years ago. Hector Castillo. In his small town university, he went from World of Warcraft nerd to president of his fraternity in 4 years. And on the way, he bedded close to 50 women. Hector check_circle. Charm is showing that you're WORTH their time 01:05 - Honesty is extremely charismatic. It’s a business transaction. com or to products you purchase through GirlsChase. And on the way, he bedded close to 50 women. Hector Castillo is the star of the Girls Chase YouTube channel, and the web’s top expert on getting laid in college. 20:15 - When you bring good vibes, people bring good vibes back. . And on the way, he bedded close to 50 women. University is a black box for many men, and guys can struggle trying to figure out how to rise to the top of the social and sexual ranks. Our host Varoon Raja interviews Girls Chase author Hector Castillo and picks his brain on how men can do just that, and many of the surprises to expect and pitfalls to avoid along the way. 03:50 - Think of it as TYPESETTING. Hector Castillo. Phone Coaching with Hector Castillo: 5-Week Sexual Direct Course (Weekly Pymnt Plan) | Girls Chase01:30 - Reward girls with touch 02:00 - I want to give every girl 03:00 - Be touchy with everyone 04:30 - You need to work your way uHector Castillo. 02:30 – Another way of understanding attraction. 06:15 - Put it deep. 2 years ago. A Plan for Seduction. BIGGUS DICKUS: PUSSY MAN. Video Details: 00:30 - Charisma = Charm + Persuasion. anon123. . 04:30 – Best procedure, in this context, is to ignore it. 2 years ago. 03:50 - Use your body to. . 19:25 - Don't try to FORCE your frame, either. Include this script into your page along with the iframe for a responsive media embedHector’s irreverent, forward, crass style of direct seems to violate all the rules of ‘good game’. user Menu. We also discuss Alek's own story, the art of sexual prizing (and many wrinkles thereof), and the three (3) spots Alek's opened up for coaching students. Our host Varoon Raja interviews Girls Chase author Hector Castillo. user Menu. 2 years ago. 2 years ago. 02:00 - You learn THROUGH women . . At the bottom of this post, you can sign up. In this podcast interview, I speak with master seducer Alek Rolstad about how to bring your meet-to-lay ratio down and take more girls to bed. 05:20 - The familiarity can span multiple social groups as long as you're "used" to their "type".